Когда ожидается новый сезон аниме «школа-тюрьма»?

Popularity Information Of Prison School Season 2

Popularity is a great metric to know about the success of any entertainment medium. Needless to say, it applies to anime as well.

If an anime is popular enough, we can be assured of the possibility of a sequel.

We need to check whether demand for the second season is still out there, or not.

But how do we judge the ‘Popularity’ of an anime? Well, we have 3 metrics in our hands that can give us a rough idea about Prison School’s acknowledgement.

Starting with Google Trends.

Google Trends

Google Trends can be a great way to know about an anime and its popularity worldwide.

So what does Google Trends say?

In the case of prison school season 2, there is no visible trend instead it’s lying in between the 25-75 range.

The lack of announcement has made people question the possibility of happening season 2.

Let’s look at one more platform, Twitter.

As most of you may know, Twitter is where the creators reside. Many Japanese anime creators can be found on Twitter.

Therefore, if a massive number of weebs are engaged with Prison School, it can be a positive sign.

This positive sign won’t just be for us but for the creators present on Twitter as well.

So what do we have on Twitter? Well, the Official Twitter account of Prison School has over 27 thousand followers.

Now that’s a number. Not to mention, there are countless fan pages of the series as well.

Indeed, it is not as high as for the one punch man or no game no life but it’s a decent number.

So we can say that Prison School’s popularity is visible on Twitter as well. And lastly, let’s take a look at the number of Google Searches about Prison School Season 2.

Google Searches

Now it’s time to look at the actual number of Google Searches for Prison School.

As you all know, this would allow us to know about the number of people who search for Prison School every month.

So what do we have here? Well, there are around 14K Google Searches per month about Prison School Season 2.

Again, it might seem like a small number but you know the deal. Old anime with no official announcements are bound to have fewer searches.

Thus, keeping that in mind, we can say that Prison School has a decent number of Searches.

If we look at the distribution, around 27% of the searches are from the United States.

Overall, we see the decline in organic searches and with it the possibility of season 2.


Даты выхода новых серий Blue Lock

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24 ✓ The Time Has Come 25 марта 2023

Other Decisive Factors for Prison School Season 2

We haven’t considered all factors till now. Still, two important aspects are left to cover. One is the ending of the previous season and other controversies around the anime.

These factors can be decisive when it comes to its production. So let’s just dive straight in.

Prison School Ending Explained

Endings are important for any anime since they open room for sequels. Let’s just revise the ending of Prison School.

So basically, the students were proven innocent and put out of bars. On the other hand, the Underground Student Council was put behind bars because of their treatment of the boys.

Therefore, the guys started their new life in the school and the underground council got punished for their deeds.

I feel that one of the biggest reasons why the anime hasn’t been renewed for the sequel is its ending.

The series had what I call a ‘Closure’. Simply put, with the ending that was given for season 1, a lot of viewers were fairly satisfied.

Since many don’t even know there’s more to the story, they don’t ask for a sequel.

Since according to them, the anime is ended. If a sequel never takes place, it can be because the series never had anything to look forward to in the next season.

Of course, you can desire more, but the story ended when the boys were freed from general viewers.

Thereon, they just continued their high school life. And this assumption is understandable. Thus, if the second season is on its way, the first season’s ending isn’t complementing it heavily.

Controversy Around Prison School

I would quickly mention 1 controversy about Prison School. It was about mistranslation and disrespect towards #gamergate.

But since it involved so few people, the response wouldn’t have any bearing on the follow-up season..

More Source Material Information On Prison School Season 2

It’s time to take our magnifying glasses towards the Manga sister of Prison School! So what do we know about Nee-san?

Prison School manga was written and illustrated by Hiramoto Akira. It was serialized from Feb 7, 2011, to Dec 25, 2017, in the Weekly Young Magazine.

The manga consists of 278 chapters and is compiled into 28 Volumes. The franchise used the first 9 volumes of the manga to adapt in the first season.

Volumes English Release Date
Volume 1 July 21, 2015
Volume 2 July 21, 2015
Volume 3 November 17, 2015
Volume 4 November 17, 2015
Volume 5 March 22, 2016
Volume 6 March 22, 2016
Volume 7 July 19, 2016
Volume 8 July 19, 2016
Volume 9 November 22, 2016
Volume 10 November 22, 2016
Volume 11 March 21, 2017
Volume 12 March 21, 2017
Volume 13 June 20, 2017
Volume 14 June 20, 2017
Volume 15 November 7, 2017
Volume 16 November 7, 2017
Volume 17 March 13, 2018
Volume 18 March 13, 2018
Volume 19 June 26, 2018
Volume 20 June 26, 2018
Volume 21 October 30, 2018
Volume 22 October 30, 2018
Volume 23 February 19, 2019
Volume 24 February 19, 2019
Volume 25 June 18, 2019
Volume 26 June 18, 2019
Volume 27 October 29, 2019
Volume 28 October 29, 2019

This means that the source material has around 200 chapters to be adapted into anime.

Simply put, Content is there. And a lot of content is there. I mean the first season didn’t even cover like 1/3rd of the manga.

Since theatres are opening now and now normalcy is returning, creators need to tell us what they have planned for season 2.

So if you were wondering about the availability of matter to adapt, feel free. The franchise has more than enough for a sequel.

The question ends right there. Now you might be wondering, ‘Hey, if the content is there, why are they not making it?’ Is the show not popular enough?

Well, let’s find out!


Сюжет аниме Школа-тюрьма

История разворачивается в закрытой школе под названием «Хачимитсу». Учебное заведение находится на территории Токио. Здесь могут учиться только девочки. Несмотря на строгую дисциплину и установленные правила, на территории школы происходит много непонятных событий.Любые нарушения в «Хачимитсу» караются очень сурово. Именно по этой причине у всех учеников без исключения успеваемость на высшем уровне. Все шло своей чередой до тех пор, пока в учебном заведении не появилось новое руководство пришедшее на смену старому.Теперь в школу направили пятерых мальчиков, которые были переведены из мест, не столь отдаленных. Большинство учениц были против подобных нововведений. Но нашлись и те девчонки, которые воспользовались новыми правилами в свою пользу. В закрытой школе они были приставлены к новеньким, чтобы научить их дисциплине. Парням оставалось одно – разработать план побега и найти того, кто стоит за тем, что происходит в их жизни.

Главные герои

  • Киесе – спокойный парень, который отличается рациональностью и не упускает возможности развлечься с девочками. Он в прошлом сбегал с тюрем за деньги.
  • Гакуто – вспыльчивый подросток, у которого каждый день появляются новые гениальные идеи. Ему предстоит выучить распорядок дня, изучить план тюрьмы и найти единомышленников.
  • Синго – любитель поесть, который ради еды готов на все, что угодно. Он неоднократно сдавал своих товарищей за лишний кусок хлеба
  • Дзедзи – парень, который скрытен и застенчив. Никогда не снимает свой капюшон. Но в его голове постоянно зарождаются умные мысли.
  • Андро – самый настоящий мазохист, который просит всех, чтобы его истязали.
  • Мари – управляющая студсовета. Она против всех парней, т. к. ненавидит всех и каждого.
  • Мэко – помощница Мари, которая имеет большую грудь и любит сексуальные утехи, доминируя над парнями.
  • Хана – секретарша, которая является безобидной, но чересчур вспыльчивой.

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Expected Plot Of Prison School Season 2

Now if the sequel does happen, what is going to be the plot for it?

I am somewhat certain this idea might have struck your mind. So to quench the thirst, I would like to tell you what we can expect as a plot for Prison School Season 2.

The next season would focus on the underground student council. It may also target their punishment.

As seen in the OVA from 2016, the story might also end up about our boy.

Their relationships and experiences after coming outside the prison can be an easy plot device.

As simple as they may sound, these potential plot points can be elaborate in a hilarious fashion.

The series could potentially bring in more sitcoms in their narrative. This can be accompanied by more character exploration and presentation.

Irrespective of what happens in the show, we love the series at the end of the day.

Now that we have a general idea of the sequel’s potential plot, let’s take a look at some online reactions.

Reactions from fans around the globe about this series and its sequel.


Дата выхода, слухи. Что говорят официальные представители?

Название Премьера Дата выхода
«Школа-тюрьма», 2 сезон Мир Не назначена

Дата выхода 2 сезона аниме «Школа-тюрьма»Члены студенческого совета

Сначала создатели аниме не давали никакой официальной информации насчет выхода второго сезона. Это дало повод распространению многочисленных слухов по поводу продолжения.

Новые серии «Школы-тюрьмы» ждали в 2016, 2017 и 2018 году, но они так и не появились.

В 2015-м году между автором манги и режиссером аниме состоялся короткий разговор в Твиттере, где первый поинтересовался, будет ли продолжение на экранах в ближайшем будущем. Режиссер ответил, что с радостью занялся бы съемками, но это стоит под вопросом.

После общения ведущих людей, создавших «Школу-тюрьму», больше никаких официальных заявлений не поступало.

Несмотря на популярность первого сезона и хорошие оценки зрителей, видимо, создатели сочли нецелесообразным снимать продолжение. При этом вероятность выхода второго сезона остается, так как разные сезоны и части аниме часто снимаются с интервалами.

Предполагаемая дата выхода 2 сезона аниме «Школа-тюрьма»

По официальным данным, дата выхода 2 сезона аниме «Школа-тюрьма» не назначена.

Для мальчиков природно интересоваться девочками

Школа-тюрьма 2 сезон. Кадр из аниме

Попав в школу, в которой учатся только девушки, парни были уверены, что попали в рай. У теперь-то они заведут себе подружек. Но увы, девушки не обращали внимания на новеньких. А сами парни не знали, как правильно сделать первый шаг для знакомства. Зато как подглядывать за девушками в душевой, придумали очень быстро.

Оказывается, если соединить два смартфона очень длинным шнуром, и один настроить на видео передачу, а второй использовать как монитор, то получится отличный гаджет для видеонаблюдения. Оставалось только влезть на крышу и спустить смартфон-камеру в окно женской купальни. Разумеется, в плане возникли сложности и доморощенных шпионов поймали.

Когда выйдет Школа-тюрьма 2 сезон

В первые, за всю истории основания школы, мальчики допускаются к поступлению в эту академию. К их огромному сожалению, не одна из тысячи девушек не будет говорить с ними или даже признавать их, как своих сокурсников. Фуджино Киёши в первый учебный день впадает в культурный шок, узнав, что в академию поступило только 5 парней, в результате чего соотношение девушек и парней — Киёши и парни собираются разоблачить Подпольный Студенческий Совет, который угрожает студенткам Хачимитсу. Продолжение комедийного японского аниме-сериала созданного на основе сюжета манги Хирамото Акиры. Первый сезон вышел на экраны в августе года, после показа первых эпизодов, стал весьма популярным.


По неожиданным причинам директор школы пропал, а на его место стал другой человек, именно это послужило такими переменами. Естественно девочки остались недовольными, но выбора у них не было. Им повезло, в этом году поступило всего пять парней.

По неожиданным причинам директор школы пропал, а на его место стал другой человек, именно это послужило такими переменами. На каждом шагу их подстерегала неудача, особенно в том что они были под строгим наблюдением тайного студсовета, которые контролировали то, как ученики придерживаются правил. Японские обычные парни не хотят лишний раз встречаться с девушками, даже взглядом. Кроме того, совершенно случайно, во дворе школы построена мини-тюрьма, в которую в первой же серии парней отправляют. И девушки с удовольствием играют роль жестоких надсмотрщиц в этой тюрьме для парней.

Рейтинг: 1 2 3 4 5.

Представлены только те аниме, которые озвучивает сайт animevost. В данном разделе находятся релизы, которые по тем или иным причинам не могут выходить стабильно. В основном это из-за нестабильного выхода английских субтитров. Релизы будут озвучиваться при первой же возможности. Указано время выхода релиза в русской озвучке. Режиссёр: Мидзусима Цутому.

Главные действующие герои

Главные герои

Киёсе Фудзино – главный герой аниме. Спокойный, разумный, последовательный в действиях персонаж. Часто отрезвляет пыл своих более взбалмошных друзей.

Гакуто Морокудза – разработчик всех «гениальных» идей в компании друзей. Активный, несколько вздорный и эксцентричный персонаж. Оживляет общую картину своими задумками и их воплощением.

Шинго Вакамото – один из главных героев. Почти все время пребывает в пессимистичном и угрюмом настроении. Обладает не самыми лучшими чертами как друг, часто получает что-то за счет других людей и из-за этого ссорится с ребятами.

Дзёдзи Нэдзу – самый необычный из пятерки. Всегда скрывает часть лица за капюшоном. Активно интересуется муравьями.

Андо Рэйдзи – пятый среди главных героев. Персонаж носит прозвище Андрей, страдает от ожирения и имеет склонность к мазохизму.

Мари Курихара – главная мужененавистница в учебном заведении и дочь директора. Она является президентом тайного общества и всеми силами старается избавить школу от парней.

Мэйко Сираки – девушка, которая берет на себя практически всю работу по наблюдению за парнями. Обладает садистскими наклонностями, наносит физический ущерб ребятам и исполняет все поручения Мари.

Хана Мидорака – секретарь у Мари. Кажется самой мягкой из девушек, но это только внешне.


Некоторые утверждали даже, что это учебное заведение напоминает тюрьму своими жёсткими правилами, которых каждая ученица обязана придерживаться весь период обучения. Однако одно нововведение руководства повергло тысячи учениц в шок тем, что отныне вместе с девушками в классы допускаются ученики-парни. Начало нового учебного года для Фудзино Киёщи ознаменовалось переходом в частную школу, в которую до последнего времени не допускались юноши. Даже интересно было узнать, как воспримут его приход в класс девушки? Что, если именно здесь удастся познакомиться с какой-нибудь милашкой и завести роман? Но реальность оказалась довольно суровой по отношению к новичку. Ни одна из учениц, кажется, даже не замечала, что по школе теперь ходят мальчишки.

Сюжет предыдущего сезона

Постер к аниме «Школа-тюрьма»

Пятеро парней поступают в ранее закрытую элитную школу для девочек. После того, как в нее стали принимать лица мужского пола, главные герои решили перейти туда, чтобы находиться среди огромного количества девушек. При этом помимо них в школе нет других ребят, и это исключает конкуренцию со стороны юношей.

Отношения с ученицами сразу не заладились – девушки не обрадовались поступлению парней в школу и всячески их игнорировали. Апогеем ситуации стал инцидент, когда ребята решили подглядеть за девочками в раздевалке и попались в руки студенческого совета.

Подпольный студенческий совет существует с целью наблюдения за учащимися и контролем над исполнением всех установленных правил. Мари Курихара – его президент – отправляет ребят в тюрьму на территории. Она является мужененавистницей и решает избавиться от учеников любыми путями.

Чтобы добиться отчисления, Мари необходимо поймать ребят на побеге три раза, и она сделает все для того, чтобы это сделать. В работе ей помогают Мэйко и Хана. Обе девушки откровенно издеваются над парнями, мучают и унижают их. Сюжет преподнесен в шутливой форме и наполнен смешными моментами.

Несмотря на неприятные обстоятельства, молодые люди не отчаиваются. Они выполняют все поставленные им задания и все еще стараются найти общий язык с представительницами прекрасного пола.

Зрителям показаны приключения юношей в тюрьме. Практически в каждой серии они придумывают новый план и стараются его осуществить. Ребята выходят на прогулки, решают проблемы со своими надзирателями и добиваются справедливости. Наблюдать за их похождениями приходится иногда с волнением, но чаще всего со смехом.

Online Reactions To Prison School Season 2

As you all know, the internet has made the world a smaller place without changing the actual dimensions.

Thus, it would be much more natural for us to watch the online reactions concerning the sequel.

Positive reactions would indicate that fans want a sequel and vice versa. So let’s use some known platforms for these reactions, opinions, and thoughts.

For starters, why not take a look at Twitter? As I said earlier, many anime creators are on Twitter so it’s a great platform for weebs.

Let’s see what fans on Twitter have to say about Prison School Season 2.

Twitter Reaction

As hilarious as this meme is, the idea is correct. Fans have been desperately waiting for a sequel for the Prison School franchise.

The long wait of 6 years without any confirmation or announcements was painful. This was even more effective considering that the anime had content to be adapted.

So Twitter fans couldn’t help but portray their want using memes. Countless such memes are being made on the platform.

Just search for them and you would meet many more people who are waiting for Season 2.

Therefore, from Twitter fans, the reactions are nothing but positive. They might end up throwing a party if the sequel was announced.

Now let’s take another reliable platform, Reddit.

Reddit Reaction

Reddit is another platform where anime fans chill out and put their thoughts. This platform is very popular amongst anime fans so their reactions here would be crucial.

Let’s see what Redditors have to say. Well well, what do we have here? A bunch of anime fans who loved the series and want a sequel.

That’s amazing don’t you think? The anime fans on this platform are curious about the sequel as well.

However, others are suggesting they resolve to Manga instead of waiting for the anime. It is not said in a negative tone.

Instead, it is said in a tone of disappointment. Fans want Season 2 but the creators just don’t hint at all.

Therefore, many fans resolved to read the manga and quenched their thirst. It’s an understandable and appreciated decision.

However, people who don’t read manga or just want anime can’t help but wait. I wonder how long they have to.

Overall, Reddit is also curious and waiting for the next season. That’s a positive sign.

Finally, let’s take a look at one final platform, Quora.

Quora Reaction

Quora is the final platform that will be used for reactions. Let’s hop right into it.

Okay so apparently, the Quora users are still going on about Season 1 of the series.

The idea of Season 2 hasn’t been birthed on this platform just yet. For now, fans are more interested in knowing about the first season and its narrative.

There are recommendations, reviews, and discussions going on about Prison School on this platform. However, all of this is just for Season 1.

People talking about season 1 are appreciating it. And those who don’t are curiously asking about it.

Therefore, we can say that Quora had a mixed reaction. No discussion about season 2 but they are enjoying the first season.

Across the board, all of these platforms have a positive notion toward the anime and its sequel.

If the second season indeed takes place, these weebs would appreciate it from all their hearts.

Top Five Best-Rated Episodes

Prison School is known as one of the best ecchi anime out there. It has a lot of fans, and all are waiting for season 2.

Here, let’s take a look at the top 5 best-rated episodes from the show.

1. A Mighty Spurt (Episode 3)

This episode has a rating of 4.8/5 on MyAnimeList. The episode starts with Kiyoshi trying to escape the prison so he can spend time with her crush and have a sweet date.

But Shingo is suspicious and is now on his tail to know what’s up.

2. It’s a Bum-derful Life (Episode 10)

This episode has a rating of 4.8/5 on MyAnimeList. It is the last day of the boys in the school.

So for the last day, Gakuto asks for a meal of grasshoppers. After eating the disgusting meal, Gakuto snaps back into reality.

3. Eryngii Brockovich (Episode 11)

This episode got a rating of 4.8/5 on MyAnimeList. In this episode, the boys are trying to prove themselves innocent, and with the help of the school President, they even got a one-day extension.

4. Good Morning, Prison! (Episode 12)

This episode has a rating of 4.8/5 on MyAnimeList. Kiyoshi and the boys are all set and ready to prove their innocence and have a plan in mind.

The episode is all about them executing it and saving themselves.

Top Similar Anime Like Prison School

1. High School DxD (2010)

High School DxD is a Japanese anime series that aired from 2012 to 2018. The show features a mix of action, comedy, and ecchi elements and has a rating of 7.6 on IMDb.

The voice cast includes Yūki Kaji, Yōko Hikasa, Shizuka Itō, and Azumi Asakura.

2. The Future Diary (2011-2013)

The Future Diary is a 2011-2013 anime with a rating of 7.5 on IMDb. The show features a mix of action and drama and has garnered 18,000 votes on the platform.

The anime follows the story of a high school student named Yukiteru Amano, who is given a special diary that can predict the future. Along with eleven other people who possess similar diaries, they must compete in a deadly game to become the next god of time and space.

The anime stars voice actors Josh Grelle, Brina Palencia, Leah Clark, and Emily Neves.

3. Death Parade (2015)

Death Parade is an animated series with a rating of 7.9 on IMDb. The show falls under the genre of drama, mystery, and animation. With 18K votes on IMDb, the show has been popular among viewers.

The voice actors include Jamie Marchi, Alex Organ, Asami Seto, and Tomoaki Maeno.

4. Grand Blue (2018)

Grand Blue is a 2018 anime with a rating of 7.5 on IMDb. The anime falls under the genre of animation, comedy, and romance. It has received over 5k votes and features stars such as Yuma Uchida, Ryohei Kimura, and Hiroki Yasumoto.

5. My Dress-Up Darling (2022- )

My Dress Up Darling is a romantic comedy anime with a rating of 7.3 and over 800 votes on IMDb. The show is about a high school boy named Wakana Gojou who becomes interested in cosplay after meeting a skilled cosplayer, Marin Kitagawa.

Will there be Prison School Season 2?

Credit: J.C.Staff

Realistically speaking, there is enough material in the manga for a Season 2 of the anime. The writer released 278 chapters compiled into 28 volumes, the franchise used the first 9 volumes to make season 1, and thus we have enough material for a season 2. Google Trends has shown a fluctuation for the search of Prison school Season 2, with searches reaching as high as 100 to 68 worldwide.

The official Prison school Twitter account has over 27+ thousand followers, it might be less than other animes, but it’s more than enough to start a prequel. The series sold 37 million copies and was awarded the best Manga award at the 37th Kodansha Manga Awards.

Что показали в 1 сезоне

После нововведений в «Хачимитсу» пришло учиться только 5 парней на целую ораву похотливых девчонок. Как ни странно, никто не начал уделять им должного внимания, что показалось весьма странным обстоятельством для них.Пришлось идти на крайние меры – подглядывать в душе. Но парни были быстро разоблачены. За плохим поступком следовало строгое наказание. Теперь их переводят в школу-тюрьму, где они подвергнуться физическому, но весьма неоднозначному насилию. Те вещи, которые делает с ними тайный студсовет, назвать наказанием весьма сложно. Многочисленные откровенные сцены говорят сами за себя.

What happened so far in Prison School

Prison School is an anime that revolves around Hashimitsu Academy, one of the most well-known and strictest girl’s schools in Tokyo. Just recently, they decided to enroll boys into their academy. Kiyoshi Fujino is one of the boys that got enrolled in the school along with four of his friends Takehito ‘‘Gakuto’’, Shingo Wakamoto, Jouji ‘‘Joe’’ and Reiji ‘Andre’, who are the 5 boys in a school of 1000 girls. The school has a strict policy for disobeying rules and regulations, with even the most minor infringement resulting in capital punishment in the school’s prison, situated in the far corner of the schoolyard. The boys try their best to stay low and not cause any problems that could result in them being punished, and very soon, the five boys become close friends. Later in the anime, Kiyoshi does fall in love with one of the girls, Chiyo Kurihara, who is the daughter of Mr. Furihara and the younger sister of the student council president Mari Kurihara. The boys make up a plan to peek into the girls bathing area with the binding agreement of ‘All for one, one for all, and they attempt to peek into the girls bathing area but end up getting caught and thus being sentenced into the school’s prison.

In prison, the boys are given cruel punishments by their rather attractive but cold-hearted supervisors. Mari Kurihara (president), daughter of the school principal and who despises the boys when they enter the school and uses her cunning ways to get them expelled. Meiko Shiraki and Hana Midorikawa (secretary). The 3 supervisors inflict the worst tortures ever imagined by the boys in their life, Meiko taking the reins in the cruelty enjoys every second of it. At the same time, Mari devises a whole plan of making the boys disobey even more to get them finally expelled. Her plans include the boys attacking one of the supervisors, attempting to escape, and not coming back on time to their cells, and thus starts her elaborate planning for making the boys fall into her trap and having proof of committing more crimes. Hana, an abled martial artist and the secretary of the student council, picks Kiyoshi as her favorite ward to torment. Still, slowly she even grows to feel for him and asks him to do some very erotic acts such as peeing in a cup and taking his first kiss, which exceeds her expectations.

In the last episode, all the boys make a plan to get the evidence from the student council computer of their heinous plans to, on purpose, instigate the boys to break the rules and show it to the principal. The plan starts with Kiyoshi being taken away by Hana, which is a regular habit of hers as she forces him to do erotic acts for her entertainment; this time, Kiyoshi was made to pee in a cup, and when he could not due to various reasons, Hana beats him up and takes his first kiss which exceeds her expectations when Kiyoshi for the sake of the plan working out kisses her back and causes her to go into a state of shock. In contrast, Hana is shocked; Kiyoshi unlocks the prison door to let Chiyo Kurihara inside (as she helps the boys). Hana, still in a state of shock, does not notice anything, and during that moment, Gakuto and Chiyo change clothes, allowing Gakuto to sneak into the student council and take the data into a USB. Early the next morning, the boys are brought in front of the principal by the student council to be expelled, but at the last moment, Gakuto saves the boys by giving the USB to the principal, and thus, the boys are not expelled and set free. However, the student council are penalized and are thereby sent into the prison school. Their supervisors are Kate Takenomiya, Risa Bett,o and Mitsuko Yokoyama, who are the above-ground student council.

Prison School Ratings And Reviews

Now let’s check if ‘Critical Acclaim’ is a hurdle for season 2. The thing is, if only fans want a sequel, the creators won’t make a decision.

For them to be more optimistic about the series, there has to be a unanimous liking from the general audience.

So how can we judge if a series is liked by the general audience? Well, the answer is ‘A Planetary Survey’.

But that would be expensive so let’s just take a look at the ratings.

Website Rating
IMDb 7.6/10
Myanimelist 7.68/10
Crunchyroll 4.4/5


IMDb is a platform used by many entertainment consumers. There’s a high chance that you have an account on IMDb as well.

So let’s peek at the ratings on this platform. So the score blessed upon Prison School is 7.6.

Now that’s a positive sign! The rating is as good but not as good as Fullmetal Alchemist or assassination classroom.

Still getting above 7 is something a lot of anime fail to achieve.

Most people are appreciating the light-hearted nature of the show. The series and its hilarious narrative have appealed to almost anyone who watches it.

They are going to be some haters but overall, a pretty unanimous win for the anime.

So the folks using IMDb have positive thoughts about the series. Now let’s take an anime-exclusive website, MyAnimeList.


As you guys know, MyAnimeList is one of the most popular anime-oriented websites in the world.

Anime fans around the globe have made accounts on the website to catalogue the anime they watch.

Therefore, this website would also be a great metric to know what people think about Prison School.

More specifically, how weebs look at this anime. So what do we get? With another impressive rating of 7.68, Prison School has made its name for anime lovers as well.

Just like you would expect, the anime is getting constant love from almost every fan out there.

A few people disregard it for being Ecchi but you know, they would always be there.

From a general overview, it is visible that anime fans have thoroughly enjoyed the show’s humorous nature and light content.

Therefore, it wouldn’t be incorrect to say that Prison School is loved by all in terms of ratings and reviews.

So if ratings and popularity are not the issues here then what are? Sales? Well, let’s find out!

Official Announcements And Release Date Of Prison School Season 2

To date, no info related to a sequel is available. It’s very disheartening to know that the creators are absolutely mum about this anime

A few rumours were going around the community about Season 2 but no, NOTHING. However, when I say ‘NOTHING’, I mean that cancellations aren’t done either.

Even if we haven’t got an official statement from any of the Staff Members, there’s no cancellation as well. There is no official announcement from the studio. 

So the fans are optimistic and trying to find any clue for season 2. Taking it on a positive note, we can assume that the staff members haven’t given up on the series yet.

The demand for the franchise has always been high so a sequel will only fill those pockets.

To figure out for ourselves, we need to look at the source material for the anime, its popularity, and sales which may be deciding factors for the sequel.

Is there enough source material left to adapt? In the next section, we are going to discuss this.


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